

« THEY, Witches, Sibyls »

30 January - 22 March 2025
Dominique Renson (Paris, 1956) lives and works in Paris and Béziers where she is in residence with Ecluses de l’Art at the Moulin Cordier.

“Anyone interested in the human body and its contemporary artistic representations benefits from knowing the plastic work of Dominique Renson. This artist, with recognized maturity, paints our bodies like no other, fragility and bursts of sensitive emotion combined, in the great vein of expressionist realism (…) Painting by Dominique Renson portraitist cultivates without mask a normality always coupled with a charge of enigma and strangeness. Normality: the painted people exist, are very real. Enigma and strangeness: who are these people, beyond appearance? Her strategy consists of assigning to painting a clear role of revealing personality (…)”
Paul Ardenne

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